Sdobnikova Olga Vsevolodovna

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Sdobnikova Olga Vsevolodovna, soil scientist, doctor of agricultural sciences (1973), professor (1977).

O.Sdobnikova was born December 29, 1926 in the village Kalchuginoof Ivanovskaya region. In 1951 she graduated from the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev. In 1951-1955 she was an agronomist, a graduate student of the All-Union Institute of animal husbandry. In 1955-1957 she worked as a senior scientific employee, head of the agrochemistry laboratory of the Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture (Almaty). In 1955 she defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of biological sciences "Prospects for the use of fertilizers in the Tselinnyi territory" (Moscow). In 1957-1966 she was the head of the department of agricultural chemistry at the Siberian Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture (Omsk). In 1971 she defended her thesis for the degree of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences "Conditions of soil nutrition and fertilizer use in Northern Kazakhstan and Western Siberia" (Moscow). In 1971-1984 she worked as the head of the laboratory of phosphorus problems in agriculture. Since 1984, she was Deputy Director of the All-Union scientific research institute of fertilizers and soil science (Moscow). The main direction of scientific activity: the use of mineral fertilizers in crop rotation in Northern Kazakhstan, the rational use of phosphorus fertilizers in the main agricultural zones of the country.O.Sdobnikova is the author of 130 scientific papers.

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