Dvornikova Tatyana Nikitichna
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Dvornikova Tatyana Nikitichna, scientist-agronomist, candidate of agricultural sciences.
T.Dvornikova in 1962 graduated from the Kurgan State Agricultural Institute - faculty of "Agronomy". Tatiana Nikitichna began her career in AUSRIGF in 1959 as a senior laboratory assistant, junior research assistant, senior research assistant, and head of the organizational and methodological department. From 1964 to 1967 she studied in full-time postgraduate studies at the AUSRIGF. In 1970 she defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of agricultural sciences on the topic: “Anti-erosion treatment of pure fallow on the southern carbonate chernozem of the Tselinograd region” (Ulan-Ude), in 1976 she was awarded the title of Senior Researcher in the specialty “General Agriculture”. Tatyana Nikitichna, worked as an employee of the Agricultural Soil Science Department of AUSRIG, she actively participated in the development of theoretical issues of combating wind erosion of soils, as well as practical measures to prevent it, which have developed in the soil-protection system of agriculture, which was introduced in various regions of the country. In 1972 she was appointed to the post of head of the organizational and methodological department. Tatyana Nikitichna led the preparation and execution of promising programs and annual research and development plans, also under her leadership have been coordinated 30 research organizations of the agronomic and engineering profile of co-contractors in the country, where the institute was the leading scientific and methodological center for the development of soil-protection agriculture on the vast territory of the steppe strip of the USSR. During the period of scientific activity, she published many printed works. T. Dvornikova was awarded diplomas and medal "For the development of virgin and fallow lands", the Commemorative Medal "Academician A.I. Barayev”. “100th Birth Anniversary”.
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