Shramko Nicolai Vasilyevich
Pages of history

N.Shramko was born on January 1, 1940 in Podlesnoe village of Zerendinskiy district of Kokchetau region. In 1959-1962 he served in the ranks of the Soviet Army. In 1963 he worked as a car mechanic of Zerendinskiy autobase No. 13 (Zerenda village). In 1963-1968 he studied at Tselinograd agricultural institute. In 1968-1976 he worked as a senior researcher at the Laboratory of Crop Rotation at the All-Union Research Institute for Grain Farming. In 1972, he defended his thesis for the degree of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences "Agricultural assessment of grain crop rotation on southern carbonate black earths of the Tselinograd region" (Tselinograd). In 1976 he worked as the head of the laboratory of Crop rotation at AUSRIGF. N. Shramko is the author of 55 publications and 1 monography.
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