Scientists of the laboratory of crop rotationat A.I.Barayev SPCGF carry out work on the soil sampling


                                                                             Photo №1
                                                                      Photo №2

                                                                             Photo №3

Researchers of the laboratory of crop rotations of the A.I.Barayev SPCGF, headed by the chief Aldabergen Kiyas, carry out work on the selection of soil samples in the fields of the Center.
Soil samples are taken to determine the content of productive moisture in a meter layer of soil in the heading phase according to various predecessors. As a result, we get information on which predecessors influenced the absorption of moisture and how it is spent more productively in the meter layer of soil.

On photo No. 1, soil samples are taken with a drill every 10 cm. On photo No. 2-3, the selected soil samples are poured onto aluminum cups. After taking soil samples, scientists dry them in drying ovens. The data obtained is recorded in the field logs. After that, the content of productive moisture in a meter layer of soil in the heading phase is determined according to various predecessors of spring wheat.
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