Scientists of SPCGF preparing to held microbiological researches

In the group of microbiology of A.I. Barayev SPCGF is going preparation for the microbiological analysis of soil, grain, flour and bread. The conduct the research work conducts the sterilization of microbiological dishes and nutrient medium at the autoklave equipment GK-100. Nutrient medium are spilled in the Petri peaks on which in the future it is sowing by the method of limiting dilutions of the soil suspension. To do this, the soil samples are slave in the flasks with sterile water. All the results of the weighs of the soil are documented. A similar method is prepared for the grain analysis, flour and bread. Preliminary the grain moisture determines with the help of the moisture meter Wile 55. Then samples of wheat grain are being selected to determine the epiphy and the presence of hidden infection. The infectrd grain by phytopathogenic microorganisms (the lateral infection) is determined by the sowing the wheat on the surface of the agarized nutrient medium on the subsequent isolation of the pure crops microorganisms and their identification.скачать dle 12.0
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