A.I. Barayev SPCGF completed the harvesting of grain crops


By the end of the second decade of September 2021, at A.I.Barayev SPCGF, harvesting of grain and leguminous crops has been completed.
In the fields of the Center, a total of 2,382 hectares of highly productive and promising varieties of grain and leguminous crops were harvested, including 2,245 hectares of spring soft and durum wheat, 71 hectares of barley, 56 hectares of oats and 10 hectares of peas.
This year the growing season turned out to be dry. But, despite the weather conditions, the average yield was 13 c / ha, which is higher than the regional and district indicators.
As a result, more than 10 types of varieties of seeds of grain and leguminous crops were obtained with a total volume of about 3 thousand tons.
Note that scientists have sown new varieties of wheat, and many varieties of Barayev selection in the fields showed good results, their yield ranged from 17 to 27 c / ha. For example, if we talk about a new variety of spring wheat of our breeders "Taimas", it ripens in 90-95 days. Differs in high yield and resistance to drought and disease. We can already say for sure that the new variety will not be inferior in its characteristics to the proven "Shortandinskaya-14" and "Shortandinskaya-2012". This year "Taimas" showed the highest result in terms of yield, which amounted to 27.4 c / ha, which is 2.6 c / ha higher than the standard "Akmola 2".
Everyone knows that the presence of a scientific component, from sowing to harvesting, has a significant impact on the result and the volume of the resulting crop.
The key to getting a good harvest is the observance of agricultural technologies, in parallel with the harvesting work, the scientific specialists of the A.Barayev SPCGF are processing the plowing. At the moment, 700 hectares have been cultivated, it is planned to cultivate the entire sowing area. And also this year in 4 tracks fallow fields with an area of 1028 hectares were treated, their agrochemical analysis was carried out and the necessary fertilizers were applied. This is the basis for a good harvest next year. Any action is supported by scientific research, and in practice, such a tandem produces a good harvest.
Currently, the obtained seed material is undergoing additional processing and seed cleaning procedures. More than 1,000 tons of high-reproductive seeds have been packaged and stored in the Center's storage facilities. All seed material undergoes a cleaning procedure on modern seed cleaning machines.
It is worth noting that in the near future SPCGF will start selling the produced seeds, and today a large number of applications from agricultural producers are already being received. In this regard, scientists recommend manufacturers to hurry up with applications, for more detailed information on varieties, you can contact the Center and the official website of the A.I. Barayev SPCGF.
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