A. Barayev SPCGF presented awards in honor of the 65th anniversary of the Center


On November 18, 2021 at the A.I.Barayev Scientific and Production Center for Grain Farming within the framework of the international scientific and practical conference "Intensive agriculture and breeding of agricultural plants for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan and 65 anniversary of the establishment of the Scientific and Production Center for Grain Farming named after A.I. Barayev, a solemn ceremony of awarding the participants of the conference with anniversary medals “65 years of the SPCGF named after A.I. Barayev”, who made a worthy contribution to the formation and development of the A.I. Barayev SPCGF.
Within the framework of the glorious anniversary, it is worth noting the well-deserved attention and high appreciation of the work of the Center's employees from the Ministry of Agriculture, NASEC, S. Seifullin KATU, akim of Akmola region and akim of Shortandy district. Since the conference was preceded by a series of important jubilee events in the staff of the Center, where veterans and workers of science and industry were honored. Churkina G.N., Babkenova S.A., Kiyas A.A., Dolinny Yu.Yu. were awarded the insignia "Auylsharuashylygynyn uzdigі", Filonov V.M., Slepkova N.N., Parsaev E.I., Zubrovsky V.S. –Medals "Enbek ardagerі", Kochorov A.S., Zabolotskikh V.V., Kairzhanov E.K., Zhylkybaev R.S., Rukavitsina I.V., Ten E.A., Kunanbaev K.K., Utebayev M U., Zhloba L.D., Abildin A.A., Zhurik A.L., Bekbaev T.K. - Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The NASEC diploma was presented to Proskura O.P., Ilyina T.V., Skoblikova P.V., Gontarenko T.V., Lisenovich A.I., Davydova V.N., Nazdrachev Y.P., Chilimova I.V., Kradetskaya O.O., Mustafina N.M., Ostrovsky V.A., Baimukanova O.N., Bekeshevu B.Zh., Botian N.N., Kudashova V.A., Borevich Yu.A., thanks The following employees of the SPCGF were noted by letters from NASEC: Akhmetova A.K., Kharitonova A.S., Shabdan A.A., Mamykina T.S., Ille O.V., Zhurik S.A., Kotomenko N.N., Slepukha D.V., Bulgakova I.N., Verner A.V., Mamykin E.A., Bespalov V.A., Nikolaeva N.A., Cherevatenko T. A., Zhigula T.Yu., Soloveichik M.P., Zhumanova G.A., Shtikhling I.R., Lyashenko I.A., Volobaeva V.A., Zhloba L.D., Shupanov E.E. , Zhumanov S.S., Lovtsov B.V.
Krymskaya O.N., Miller E.A., Galkina T.G., Raikhert T.A., Yarkova E.V., Manatu B., Kokusheva S.B. ., Fedorchenko N.N., Zhusupova M., Entina S.A., Tasbulatovu Zh., Vorotylo T.V., Nikolaev A.A., Kuytenov K.M., Kobernitskaya T.M., Osipova N.N., Leu L.V., Bavin V.A., Artyushin N.A., Bredikhin A., Sadvakasova Zh.S., Dovgal V.V.
The honorary diploma of the Akim of the district was presented to Fitz A.E., Zlyden V.V., Gladkikh L.M., Ishuk L.A., Medova S.V., Retzlav D.N., From T.A., Zueva N., Musinova G., Vorobieva L.A., Iskakov K., Tleuzhanov R., Kharitonov Y., Dranyaev V., Melkher V., Vorobiev V.A., Nelis T.B., Kochergina A.N.
The high awards of the Public Association "Branch Trade Union of Agricultural Workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan" were presented to V.I.Kobernitsky, K.A.Akshalov, T.A. Babkenov, G.I. N., Vyrupaeva N.M., Ganzieva Al.S., Ganzieva An.S., Durovich S.B. - Medal "Eleuli enbegi ushin", Kasenova S.Kh. - the insignia “I drezheli Enbek dagy”, I.P. Oshergina. - insignia "II drezheli Enbek dangy".
The awards of the PA "Council of Veterans of Agriculture" of the Ministry of Agriculture were presented to Skoblikov V.F., Filonov V.M. - medal "Ormetti ardager". Also, a number of steel workers are honored holders of the jubilee medal “65 years of A.I. Barayev SPCGF".
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