Scientists of the Center are harvesting the breeding material of legumes

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     Employees of the laboratory of legumes and oilseeds breeding within the STP on the topic “Creation of highly productive varieties and hybrids of leguminous crops based on the achievements of biotechnology, genetics, physiology, biochemistry of plants for their sustainable production in various soil and climatic zones of Kazakhstan” BR0765000 are harvesting the breeding material of leguminous crops (peas, lentils and chickpeas).

In 2023, 1794 samples of leguminous crops were studied (for peas - 1313, for chickpeas – 120, for lentils – 345) using the achievements of biotechnology, plant physiology, biochemistry of grain quality, in order to select desirable forms when creating new varieties. Phenotyping and genotyping of collection samples of leguminous crops was carried out, their economic and biological indicators were determined.

Genes controlling plant resistance to abiotic stresses have been identified and analyzed. Molecular SNP markers were developed and genotyping of chickpea and lentil plants was performed using real-time PCR and measurement of fluorescent glow in tablets.

The breeding work carried out in the laboratory is aimed at creating varieties of leguminous crops that have a high production value, exceeding in their characteristics the cultivated varieties that are most adaptive to harsh local conditions.
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