Seeds of “SPC GF named after A.I.Barayev” of the harvest of 2022, proposed for sale

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Crop, typeVarietyReproductionQuantity, tons
soft wheatShortandinskaya 95 improvedsuper elite, elite274,0
soft wheatAstanaPS 3,  super elite, elite274,5
soft wheatAstana 2super elite, elite94,9
soft wheatShortandinskaya 2012PS 3,  super elite, elite82,9
soft wheatTauelsizdik 20PS 3,  super elite64,2
soft wheatAssyl SapaPS 3,  super elite, elite17,8
soft wheatShortandinskaya 2014PS 318,5
soft wheatTselina 50PS 3,  super elite, elite42,2
soft wheatAkmola 2PS 3,  super elite, elite69,3
soft wheat
TaimasPS 3,  super elite89,4
soft wheatLavinaPS 30,5
soft wheatKoronaPS 32,4
soft wheatDamsinskaya yantarnayaPS 3,  super elite64,9
barleyAstana 2000super elite6,3
barleyTselinny 60super elite40,9
barleyTselinny 2005PS 35,0
oatBitikPS 318,8
Baizatsuper elite14,6
DumanPS 3,  super elite, elite45,3
           Orissuper elite7,0
buckwheatShortandinskaya 4PS 3,  super elite54,8
wheat grassShortandinsky  broad-earedPS 12,8
wheat grass Batyrsuper elite10,3
alfalfaLazurnayasuper elite1,6
alfalfaRaikhanPS 11,4
sudanese grass
         NIKAPS 20.96
sainfoinFlamingoPS 27,9

“Scientific and Production Center of Grain Farming named after A.I. Barayev” LLP (hereinafter as the Center) announces the start of accepting applications for the purchase of grain seeds, leguminous crops, perennial cereals and legumes. Due to the limited number of seeds, the distribution will be made on the basis of applications received before October 1, 2023.
The contract is concluded with the condition of prepayment for seeds within 5 banking days from the date of signing the contract. Seeds can be stored in the warehouses of the Center until March 1, 2024.
The list of varieties of the Center is attached. The description of the varieties is posted on the website – in the section: To the farmer/Recommendations/Breeding and seed production.
An application with the details of the farm, certified by signature and seal, can be sent to the Center’s e–mail -
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