Happy Science Workers Day!

Dear colleagues!
I sencerely congratulate you on the Day of Science Workers of Kazakhstan!

Kazakhstan has a huge galaxy of famous scientists, research schools with traditional recognition of the world scientific community. Among them, the Center of Grain Farming named after Alexander Ivanovich Baraev is one of the leading scientific institutions in the republic engaged in in-demand applied research on the development of technologies for the cultivation of cereals, legumes, oilseed forage crops and the creation of new promising varieties of agricultural crops.
Having crossed more than half a century, our Center has become a landmark place for the formation of many remarkable scientific figures, scientists, many of them continue to work today, maintaining continuity and the younger generation of scientists is engaged in science next to them.
Today, time dictates new challenges, agricultural science is moving forward by leaps and bounds, the modern generation of scientists needs to match the accelerated pace of innovation and increase the close interaction of science and production through the introduction of technology. The main task is for scientists and production workers to act as links in the same chain of scientific and technological progress.
Science is a national resource, invariably a component of the economic prosperity of the state, a guarantee of the country’s future. With your hard work and enthusiasm, you make an invaluable contribution to the development of science. Behind every invention, every new technology is the scientific courage, intelligence and research passion of a particular scientist. Recent events in the world once again confirm that science and innovation have become the driving force of human development in the 21st century.
On this significant day, dear scientists, thank you for your daily painstaking work, unique projects, in the ideas and implementation of which the spirit of National science is based.
I wish all representatives of science in the Republic of Kazakhstan success in research and professional activities, new discoveries, fruitful work in a team of like-minded people, good health and sence of purpose.
With best wishes, Timur Vladimirovich Savin, Chairman of the Board of «Scientific and industrial Center of Grain Farming named after A.I. Barayev» LLP