Prospects for cooperation: science and business


  On May 15, 2024, the 40th anniversary meeting of the Berlin Eurasian Club was held in Astana at the Astana International Financial Center, dedicated to strengthening economic relations between Kazakhstan and Germany, which was attended by representatives of government agencies, business associations, expert, scientific and business communities of the two countries. The main topic of the panel discussion was the implementation of the Partnership Agreement in the Raw Materials, industrial and Technological spheres in a new institutional and legal framework. This meeting is an important step in deepening our partnership with Germany, especially in the agro-industrial complex, manufacturing and infrastructure projects.

  The press service appealed to Akshalov Kanat Ashkeevich, head of the laboratory of agro-landscape and adaptive technology, who represented the Center of Grain Farming named after A.I. Barayev at this important event, to share his impressions about the topic of bilateral cooperation, as well as to talk about the effectiveness of the collaboration of our Center with representatives of the German scientific community and agribusiness.

  The German delegation was accepted by the President of Kazakhstan, K.K. Tokayev. The German delegation also held a number of meetings in various ministries, including the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The members of the German delegation indicate the seriousness of the intentions for cooperation.

  The main goal for the Kazakh side is to attract modern technologies, investments, scientific and technical cooperation. The presence of an authoritative team from Kazakhstan underlined the importance of this meeting. An open dialogue on the state of the domestic economy, the production of domestic, Kazakh products, processing of raw materials in Kazakhstan, food security and entry into the world market of domestic value-added products was particularly effective. Of course, the German side is interested in Kazakhstan’s raw materials reserves, the possibility of investments and the opening of enterprises and agribusiness here.

  A productive dialogue took place on agricultural issues, ranging from climate change to scientific and technical cooperation. The dialogue on food security and cooperation in the field of agriculture emphasized the possibilities of Kazakhstan to increase the processing of agricultural products and export potential using the markets of Europe and China through the «green corridor». The perspectives of our agro-industrial complex on increasing environmentally friendly agricultural products, the potential of sugar beet production and avoiding sugar dependence were emphasized.

  A special panel section was devoted to the topic of climate change, the development of agricultural science and the transfer of advanced technologies. The German side is ready to invest in agricultural machinery, in the development of irrigation, the creation of a Center for Sustainable Development and competence in the agricultural sector.

  The Scientific and Production Center of Grain Farming named after A.I. Barayev has good scientific relations with German scientists. For 20 years now, we have been conducting quite serious research in the field of mechanization of crop sowing processes, soil degradation, climate change, and soil fertility. Stable contacts have been established with the Amazone plant (Dr. T. Meinel), with the Martin Luther University, the Institute of Geosciences and Geography (Prof. G. Schmidt), with the Institute of Soil Science of the University named after Leibniz of Hanover (Prof. G. Gutenberg), etc. Scientists of the SPC of grain farming undergo scientific internships in scientific laboratories of German Universities. The results of joint scientific research have been published in highly rated world scientific publications. German university students have completed a summer practical school in Shortandy. Universities and factories in Germany have invested in the science of SPC GF in the form of agricultural machinery, scientific instrumentation equipment in the amount of about 0.5 million EUROS! The cooperation continues.

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