Today, at the age of 85, our colleague, world-class scientist Suleimenov Mekhlis Kassymovich passed away


  Today, at the age of 85, our colleague, a world-class scientist, a highly professional specialist in the field of agriculture and crop production, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan and the Academy of Sciences of Russia Suleimenov Mekhlis Kassymovich passed away.

  His entire career was devoted to serving science. Mekhlis Kassymovich began his scientific career at Aktobe Agricultural Experimental station. But the main formation as a scientist took place in Shortandy, in the former All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Grain Farming (now the Scientific and Production Center of Grain Farming named after A. I. Barayev), where he worked his way from a graduate student to director of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Grain Farming. The talent of Mekhlis Kassymovich as a scientist was revealed especially vividly as director of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Grain Farming. Academician Suleimenov, having deeply analyzed the research in Shortandy and studied the results of research by scientists from Canada, the USA, and Australia, developed a new direction for agriculture in arid areas.

  The Institute of Grain Farming named after A.I. Barayev under the leadership of Mekhlis Suleimenov has raised Kazakh agricultural science to a qualitatively new level. The research led by M.K. Suleimenov became revolutionary in agriculture in arid areas and laid the foundation for fundamentally new directions for the sustainable intensification of agricultural production. M.K. Suleimenov’s school was formed.

  Today’s realities confirm the correctness of this direction. Suleimenov became a recognized authority in agriculture of the Union and modern Kazakhstan and world agricultural science. Publications on the pages of central publications of scientific articles «On the grain truth», «Which field is the turn», «Don’t plow to plow», «The plowman’s madness», «You can’t fallow sowing» — this is not a complete list of open, sharp, disputable and truthful publications by M. Suleimenov, which change people’s minds, introduce the reader with new concepts, they invite you to reflect, exchange opinions.

  In 1990, Academician M. Suleimenov was the first Soviet scientist to be elected to the East-West Committee of the International Organization for Tillage. He was elected a member of the steering committee of the International Congress of Plant Growers in 1992, to the governing council of the International Wheat Conference in 1996, in 1994 he was invited as an expert to the International Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Paris (4 representatives from the CIS). In 1996, at the global Agricultural Science Forum in Washington, Mekhlis Suleimenov represented agricultural scientists in Central Asia, was a member of the expert group at the OECD in 1995-1998, a member of the scientific council of the International Conference on the Future of Drylands. Since 1997, for 10 years, he worked in Tashkent as Deputy regional coordinator of the International Center for Agricultural Sciences in the Arid Regions of ICARDA for Central Asia and Transcaucasia, where he coordinated research work in eight countries. In 2006, he was elected a member of the Bureau of the International Organization for Soil Cultivation ISTRO for the period 2006-2012. He worked as a consultant at the International Center for the Improvement of Wheat and Corn CIMMYT. Mekhlis Kassymovich is well known in scientific and public circles of Kazakhstan, Russia, and the CIS countries. His name is a business card of Kazakhstan for scientists in the field of agriculture in the USA, Canada, Australia and other countries.

  Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Kazakhstan, has universal recognition both in Kazakhstan and in the CIS countries and abroad. It is difficult to find scientists in the field of agriculture from both Kazakhstan and the CIS countries who are so recognizable and recognized in the scientific circles of the USA, Canada, Australia and many others.

  With the growth of scientific fame, M.K. Suleimenov’s social activities expanded. The recognition of Academician Suleimenov’s merits was evidenced by his election as a deputy of the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR, he was a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, a member of the Board of the All-Union Society «Znanie». In 1992, Academician Suleimenov became the first laureate of the Presidential Prize for Peace and Spiritual Harmony of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 1995-97 he headed the Kazakhstan—Ukraine Friendship Society. He was awarded the Medal of Honor «Peace Foundation» and the orders and medals of the Union and the Republic of Kazakhstan. A polyglot , his knowledge of more than 15 foreign languages allowed him to freely express his scientific views , speak at various international scientific forums and publish his publications. Talent combined with an analytical approach to reality, exceptional dedication to work, science. At one time, he was one of the youngest professors, and then an academician of VASHNIL. A bright representative of Kazakhstan in the VASHNIL system, in Kazakh and world agricultural science.He was a member of dissertation councils in Kazakhstan and in Russia, Chairman of the Expert Council of the State Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Vice-President of the Kazakh Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

  Mekhlis Suleimenov’s work in strengthening friendship of peoples and international cooperation is widely known: as a scientist and public figure, he traveled to the United States 17 times, often visited Canada and France, traveled to Germany, India, China, Australia, Poland, Hungary and many other countries.

  The main issues of the concept of agriculture development in the arid regions of Kazakhstan and Russia are relevant today. Mekhlis Kassymovich is well known by the public and the scientific agricultural world. He has educated more than one generation of scientific personnel — candidates and doctors of sciences. He is the Hero of today, the man of our time.

  Suleimenov became a recognized authority in the agriculture of the Union and Kazakhstan. Such was the bright path of M.K. Suleimenov to the bread truth, to world fame. For all his high scientific and social regalia, he remained humble, intelligent in spirit and a patriot of his homeland, Kazakhstan. Together with his wife and colleague Raisa Petrovna, they raised two worthy sons, Radiy and Maxim, who today work in the field of AIC.

  The name of M.K. Suleimenov is inscribed in golden letters in the Glorious Book of outstanding masters of domestic and world agricultural science.

  The death of Mekhlis Kassymovich is a grave loss for our science and the staff of the Scientific and Production Center of Grain Farming named after A.I. Barayev, with whom he did not interrupt friendly and scientific ties wherever he was. The memory of Suleimenov Mekhlis Kassymovich will forever remain in our hearts.

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