Agricultural science should keep up with the times


  As part of the working visit, Kunsulu Zakaria, Advisor to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Science and Innovation, visited the Scientific and Production Center of Grain Farming named after A.I. Barayev. The event was also attended by Vice Minister of Agriculture Yerbol Taszhurekov, Chairman of the Board of the NASEC «National Agrarian Scientific and Educational Center» Aigul Akhmedzhanova, representatives of the Ministries of Science and Higher Education, National Economy, Finance, Justice, as well as employees of the quasi-public sector. A very interested in-depth conversation took place directly at the field camp of the Scientific and Production Center named after A.I. Barayev. On this day, the scientific and experimental site of the SPC GF served as a dialogue platform for discussing the most topical issues concerning the representatives of agricultural science. Chairman of the Management Board Savin Timur presented the main directions and results of the scientific and technical activities of the Center and also highlighted a number of specific issues of a scientific and production nature that need to be addressed. In the experimental fields, scientists demonstrated scientific and experimental tests of the laboratory of adaptive and agro-landscape technology, where the leading scientist of the SPC GF Akshalov K.A. acquainted the participants of the meeting with ongoing scientific research to improve soil fertility and increase yields, also drew attention to issues of soil degradation, especially water erosion of soils, related manifestations of flood situations, the use of funds protection of plants against diseases and also carrying out agrotechnological measures for sustainable agricultural production and others. During the event, it was announced about the preparations for the next 10th World Congress «Conservation Agriculture» on resource-saving agriculture in Shortandy (Kazakhstan) in 2027.

  Also, during the meeting, the Head of the Center, Savin T., drew attention to the issues of insufficient financing and also the timing of its allocation, the purchase of low-quality equipment and the restriction of the choice of fertilizers and spare parts for SP, the low influx of scientific personnel to settlement and the lack of living conditions.

  During the meeting, Advisor to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zakaria Kunsulu drew the attention of all participants of the meeting to work out all the highlighted problems at the level of their ministries and departments and give concrete proposals for their solution, since all of them will form the basis of the Protocol on the execution of the instructions of the Head of State to improve the effective activity of agricultural science. As Zakaria Kunsulu indicated at the end of the meeting, it is time to pay attention to the existing inveterate problems of agricultural science, so that it would be engaged in its scientific research without looking back, create new varieties in demand and introduce agricultural technologies.

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