Scientists of the SPC of Grain Farming named after A.I. Barayev help rural producers to increase the efficiency of agricultural production


In order to expand and implement innovative experience on the basis of 6 subjects of the agricultural complex of Akmola region, the implementation of budget program 019 «Services for the realization and implementation of innovative experience» was launched by order of the Department of Agriculture and Land Relations of the Akimat of Akmola region.

The purpose of the project is to expand and introduce innovative experience aimed at intensifying sustainable crop production in elite seed, seed, and peasant farms of Akmola region based on the effective use of soil and climatic potential, innovative technologies for growing and promising varieties of crops aimed at increasing yields by 10-15% on the territory of Akmola region.

For the present, scientists of the STP of Grain Farming named after A.I. Barayev have analyzed the history of pilot fields, the state and technical support, soil-climatic, land, material and technical conditions of the selected 6 subjects of the agro-industrial complex. The first practical consultations were provided and training seminars were held for farms.

This year, demonstration plots will be used on the basis of pilot fields with a total area of more than 2,600 hectares in various soil and climatic conditions, followed by the expand of the experience gained among the subjects of the agricultural complex of Akmola region.

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