Scientists of SPC GF are implementing scientific projects

«Scientific and Production Center of Grain Farming named after A.I. Barayev» LLP under the budget program 217 grant financing of fundamental and applied scientific research on scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2024-2026 according to the priority: science of life and health implements the AP 23488044 project «Reduction of silicon content by breeding methods and molecular markers in the forage mass of plants of the Psathyrostachys juncea pasture species».

As a result of research in 2024, scientists from the Laboratory of Biochemistry and technological assessment of crop quality conducted a screening of the genetic collection (70 samples) of the Psathyrostachys juncea for the silicon content in the feed mass. 32 genotypes were identified, characterized by a low silicon content of 1.04-1.89%. The content of nitrogen in the pasture mass ranged from 2,37% to 4,11%, phosphorus 0.21-0.38%, magnesium 0.25-0.46%, potassium 1.72-4.57%, crude substances protein 14,84%-25.71%, fat 1,97%-3.87%, ash 8,10%-12.14%, fiber 21,05%-28.03%, carotene-48.60-89.33 mg/kg, nitrogen-free extractive substances-34.89%-46.04%, exchange energy — 9.95-11.48 MJ, feed units -0.805-1.018 kg/kg. 5 genotypes were identified with low levels of acid-detergent fiber (18.36%-19.90%), balanced in amino acid composition -4. Hybridization and polycross nurseries have been established with the best forms with low silicon content, and new hybrids have been obtained. The novelty lies in the bioinformatic analysis of the Lsi1 and Lsi2 genes that control the transport of silicon ions to Psathyrostachys juncea and the development of a series of primers: TaLsi2-F1R1seq, TaLsi2-F2R2seq and TaLsi2-F3R3seq. Lsi2-3 °F and Lsi2-3R primers were used for sequencing. SNPs between the Shortan-1 (w-13257) and PI-406468-Bozoi-1 (w-13128) genotypes were isolated for the analysis of the Lsi1 and Lsi1 genes in the studied samples. Based on the isolated SNPs, work has begun on the development of molecular markers of the TaLsi-ASQ type for the analysis of the genetic polymorphism of the studied genes in the Psathyrostachys juncea.
As part of this project, the following equipment was purchased for molecular genetic research: M15R microcentrifuge with cooling, Bio TDB-100 «Dry-block» thermostat, power source, rotary homogenizer with a capacity of up to 35,000 rpm, fabric separator II for use with plant products, QazLabPribor water bath is also used, model ASL-W30 for manufacturing products. Huawei Mate Book D 16 MCL FX Laptop (53013WXF) for gift wrapping.