Happy birthday, our dear Center!

On February 14, the staff of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev celebrates the 69th anniversary of its foundation.
The history of the Institute is a bright page in the annals of national agrarian science. In each period — from the Kazakh Research Institute of Grain Farming established in 1956 to the present large Centre of Grain Farming, which today is a leading scientific institution engaged in fundamental and applied research in the development of cultivation technologies for cereals, legumes, oilseeds, forage crops and the creation of new varieties.
The glorious history, powerful scientific and production potential, advanced technologies and high production culture allow the Centre to always be at the forefront of the grain industry and take a worthy place among the national and world scientific community.
On this special day we address words of special gratitude to the veterans of science and production, to all those who at different stages of the Centre’s history contributed to its progressive development, who successfully coped with the tasks set by time, under whose leadership more than one generation of highly qualified scientific personnel was trained.
Our sincere congratulations to the current generation of research and production staff. It is you who define the face of the Centre today! It is you, introducing modern agro-technologies, creating new varieties, teaching lessons of respectful attitude to the rich labour traditions of our Centre and contributing to the preservation of the academic spirit laid down by our outstanding scientists.
The management of the Board and the trade union committee congratulate you on this significant date and wish you health, enthusiasm, inspiration, implementation of all plans, peace and prosperity, and our beloved Centre — new achievements in the field of agrarian science, stability and prosperity!
Happy birthday, our dear Centre!