Scientists from Kozybayev University visited the SPC GF named after A.I.Barayev

Scientists of Kozybayev University & University of Arizona International Campus Professor Andrea Zuccolo and Dr. Saule Musurova made a working visit to the «Scientific and Production Centre of Grain Farming named after A.I. Barayev» LLP. During the meeting Chairman of the Board Savin Timur told about applied research of the Centre’s scientists on development of technologies for cultivation of grain, leguminous, oilseed and fodder crops and creation of new varieties.
Kozybaev University’s scientists, as major researchers in the field of plant genomics and bioinformatics, were interested in the issues of genebank genotyping within the framework of the collaboration with the University of Arizona, as well as exploring the possibilities of seed material exchange.
The colleagues discussed prospects for further collaboration, including marker-associated selection and other research initiatives.
In conclusion, the scientists noted the importance of the planned research, which will contribute to a productive exchange of experience and will bring a new impulse in the development of agricultural science.