Barley is being harvested at the A. Barayev Scientific-production center for grain farming

This year in the Scientific-production center for grain farming 195 hectares of barley were sown.
To date, 50 hectares of “Astana 2000” varieties have been harvested, which is about 30% of the total sowing. The harvested barley crop is more than 20 kg / hectare. Variety "Astana 2000" is of feed direction, mid-season, ductile, drought tolerant.
The stem is of medium height and thickness, hollow, weakly drooping, elliptical grain, large. The weight of 1000 grains 47.3 - 50.1 gr. It is resistant to lodging and shedding, weakly affected by solid smut. Since 2009, it has been the standard in the Akmola region, in addition, it is approved for use in the Kostanay, North Kazakhstan and East Kazakhstan regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
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