Irina Oshergina, a scientist of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, took part in the IOFS Forum

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From 14 to 16 February 2022, the Islamic Organization for Food Security (IOFS) Forum “Strategic Commodities and Food Safety” was held in Doha, organized jointly with the Ministry of the Municipality of the State of Qatar.

The International Forum in a hybrid format (on-offline) provided a platform for the exchange of innovative high-performance solutions for the radical transformation of the OIC food security system into a more sustainable network. The event brought together ministers, decision makers, opinion leaders and leading scientific experts from around the world to discuss strategic issues of commodities and food safety and to better understand environmental, food, agricultural, demographic, socio-economic factors and the results of the food security system. The official announcement ceremony of the IOFS-COMSTECH Scholarship Program for researchers from the OIC member countries in the field of food security took place at the event, as well as the signing ceremony of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Islamic Organization for Food Security (IOFS) and the Islamic Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (ICCIA). The Memorandum on mutually beneficial cooperation was signed by the Secretary General of the ICAO, Youssef Hassan Halavi, and the Director General of the IOFS, Yerlan Baydaulet. In this regard, both sides made a point of the importance of the memorandum to encourage and increase investments in food security and agricultural production, as well as to encourage the private sector to establish effective partnerships in this regard. According to both sides, this joint initiative will contribute to the development of cooperation between them in the field of research and capacity building to achieve food security, including taking advantage of water resources management and the agricultural sector and using all this to solve food problems, including climate.

The Republic of Kazakhstan was represented by Irina Oshergina, a scientist-breeder, head of the Department of SPCGF named after A.I. Barayev LLP. The topic presented on the forum: “Trade development: Commercial wheat varieties of the Scientific and Production Center of Grain Farming named after A.I. Barayev and wheat grain production in Kazakhstan” has opened new frontiers for mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of agriculture, which will allow breeders of Kazakhstan to exchange genetic material and accumulated experience with other leading research institutes of countries that are members of the Islamic Organization for Food Security.

I. Oshergina gave recommendations on strengthening cooperation and coordination between IOFS countries to create an information platform for the exchange of ideas and data.

Tentative Programme

“IOFS Strategic Commodities and Food Safety Forum”

IOFS in Cooperation with the Ministry of Municipality of the State of Qatar

From 14 to 16 February 2022

Doha, Qatar

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