Science feeds farmers
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For an agrarian who has come to his profession seriously and for a long time, it is important to know the opinion of science. It will not deceive, it will tell you the right way, it will open up prospects. On the eve of the sowing campaign, which will be held in difficult conditions, the voice of scientists is doubly important. Has it been heard by domestic farms working in the field of agriculture?

According to the scientists of the “Scientific and Production Center of Grain Farming named after A.I. Barayev” LLP, it has been heard and will bring its benefits to the peasants. This is what the work of the scientific institution is aimed at. Currently, it serves as a scientific and methodological center for grain-growing farms in the northern regions of Kazakhstan. Based on their research, scientists have prepared recommendations for farmers that will help them not to make a mistake with the choice of varieties, correctly withstand the technology of land cultivation, sowing and crop care.
–Dissemination of our developments and recommendations among agricultural producers is one of the main areas of activity, says Maral Utebayev, Deputy Chairman of the Board for Science of “SPCGF named after A. I. Barayev” LLP. –During the winter season, when there is a lull in the fields, we hold seminars with the participation of heads of farms and other agricultural formations, where our scientists speak to them. We are talking about the conditions for a successful sowing campaign, further work with the land. The topics of such events are the most advanced scientific developments and technologies in agriculture. Among them is the project “Precision Farming”, which allows to reduce the cost of fuel, fertilizers, seeds, as well as to control the entire process of field work. Another relevant topic on the agenda in recent years is climate change and measures to avoid the negative consequences of this phenomenon for farmers.
Science shares its forecasts for the upcoming season with agricultural producers. According to Utebayev M., in addition to the dry summer, farmers should now be prepared for the invasion of harmful insects. The fact is that the relatively warm winter allowed the pests to survive this season safely and now there is a significant probability of their reproduction. We are talking about the nutcracker (wireworms), bread stem flea, Swedish barley flour, wheat thrips, etc. However, at the same time, scientists remind that we are talking only about forecasts.
A few years ago, the legal association of the SPC GF named after A. I. Barayev and the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin took place. Now the scientific center is also a platform for practical courses, conducting scientific experiments of undergraduates, Master's degree students and doctoral students of KazATU.
– Currently, 12 students are interning with us, – says the Deputy for science. – We expect another 60 in May. In total, about 200 students will be trained at our scientific and production base during this year. We hope that after graduation, some of them will return to us to devote themselves to the scientific path.
The spring months are becoming a time when farmers need the shoulder of a scientist more than ever. It is important to preserve this union in the hot season of sowing, and in the subsequent time of care for crops, autumn winter. In general, science is designed to be close to the field worker always. This, if we talk on a nationwide scale, of course, has yet to come, but the peasants have already come to an understanding of the need for science.

She will also have her say at a large-scale meeting scheduled this month with the participation of the country’s Minister of Agriculture, scientists and agricultural practitioners in the city of Kokshetau. The main issue on the agenda of the meeting will be the conduct of spring field work.
Rysbek Zhantykeyev. Akmola region.