Scientists-breeders of the SPC GF named after A.I.Barayev have planned an expedition to survey and collect plant resources of Akmola, North Kazakhstan regions

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In order to fulfill the STP task for 2021-2023 “Study and provision of storage, replenishment, reproduction and effective use of genetic resources of agricultural plants to ensure the breeding process” for the event: “Mobilization of genetic resources of cereals, grain fodder, cereals, oilseeds, legumes and fodder crops for use in breeding programs in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan” and the approved work schedule and work program for 2022, an expedition is being conducted to survey and collect plant resources of Akmola, North Kazakhstan regions.

A group of six people was created: the head of the group, Philippova N.I. - head of department of perennial herbs breeding; herbologist, Parsayev Ye. I. - Head of the laborotory of perennialbreeding; auxiliary staff three laboratory assistants of laboratoryof perennial legumes breeding and laboratoryof perennial grasses breeding and the driver. The duration of the expedition is 14 calendar days with the departure date of August 23- September 5, 2022.

The route will pass through the following localities: Nauchny –Shortandy- Shortandinsky district (Bektau, Novokubanka, etc.)– Shortandy – Akkol – Zhuravlevka - Makinsk-Shchuchinsk – Zerenda- Kokshetau – Petropavlovsk - Mamlyutka - Petropavlovsk – Sokolovka- Petropavlovsk – Yavlenka - Saumalkol - Kokshetau – Atbasar – Nur-Sultan –Shortandy .The approximate length of the route is 1500-1700 km.

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