Scientists of the A.I. Barayev SPCGF expresses its heart-felt condolences to family and friends of the scientist-agronomist Alexander Fedorovich Gotovets

Scientists of the A. I. Barayev Scientific-production center for grain farming expresses its heart-felt condolences to the family and friends on the occasion of the passing away of a prominent scientist-agronomist, candidate of agricultural sciences Alexander Fedorovich Gotovets.
Gotovets Alexander Fedorovich was born on February 14, 1934 in the village of Redkino in the Belozersky district of the Kurgan region. In 1957, after graduating from the Kurgan State Agricultural Institute, he began his career at the North Kazakhstan Agricultural Experimental Station. 
In 1961 A.F. Gotovets entered postgraduate studies at All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Grain Farming. In the period 1967-1971 he worked in various positions in the Seed production department of the Institute. In 1971, Alexander Fedorovich successfully defended his candidate of agricultural sciences thesis. Since 1972, he headed the department of scientific and technical information and patent science at AUSPIGF. From 1983 to 1992 headed the durum wheat laboratory, where fundamental research was carried out on the technology of cultivating spring durum wheat with the maximum use of the climatic factors of the arid zone. The best predecessors, energy-saving fallow preparation technologies, were identified here. The technologies of soil cultivation after non-fallow predecessors, methods, types and doses of mineral fertilizers have been studied. Work was carried out on zoned and promising varieties to study the seeding rates and the depth of seeding at different rates of seeding in pairs and non-fallow predecessors. Along with scientific research, a lot of work was done to promote and implement their developments. 
Having devoted almost his entire life to the development of agrarian science, in 1994 Alexander Fedorovich retired. 
Gotovets Alexander Fedorovich was the author of 21 scientific publications. 
Thanks to many years of fruitful activity, dedication to his beloved work, impeccable reputation and friendly attitude to colleagues, Alexander Fedorovich will remain in our hearts as an experienced mentor and a prominent scientist.We deeply grieve over the irreparable loss of a remarkable scientist, colleague and just a good person.
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