In memory of the prominent scientist Kaskarbayev Zheksenbay Aitoshevich
Dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the A.I. Barayev SPCGF
In memory of the prominent scientist Kaskarbayev Zheksenbay Aitoshevich
"A person lives forever as long as he is remembered .."
For several years now, he has not been with us ... Everyone who knew and worked with him remembers him as an honest, talented, sympathetic, sincere person and a great professional.
The whole life of Zh.A. Kaskarbayev is evidence of impeccable service to the Motherland, devotion to agrarian science, land, and his inherent willpower and fortitude, nobility make him a personwith pure heart, a worthy example for young generation in science.
In 1984, having graduated with honors from the Tselinograd Agricultural Institute, specializing in agronomy with the qualification of a scientist - agronomist, he began his career as an agronomist at the Turgai Regional Agricultural Experimental Station, where he worked until 1994. In 1994he was accepted as the head of the laboratory of agricultural technology of field crops of the Kazakh Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the Research Institute for Grain Farming named after A.I. Barayev (Shortandy village).
It is in this institute of all-Union significance, created during the period of the development of virgin and fallow lands, that Kaskarbayev Zh.A. formed as a person, as a prominent scientist and organizer of science. And it was within these historical walls that the formation of a young scientist took place, where the most daring, breakthrough scientific decisions for that time were worked and put into practice by such prominent scientists - patriarchs of science, academicians, doctors of sciences, laureates of the USSR State Prize as A.I., Kuzmin V.P., Zaitseva A.A., Gossen E.F., Kiryushin V.I., Suleimenov M.K., Kurishbaev A.K. and many other scientists known in the scientific world both in the countries of the former Soviet Union and recognized in the far abroad.
Kaskarbayev Zheksenbay Aitoshevich made a huge contribution to the development of all domestic agricultural science. His multifaceted activity was based on high professionalism. A characteristic feature of his fruitful activity is his exceptional efficiency and a businesslike approach to solving any problems. He paid a lot of attention to new scientific developments of precision farming technologies, the technologies for the cultivation of agricultural crops based on organic farming, and the introduction of new breeding varieties. He proposed new technologies for the cultivation of cereals, legumes and oilseeds in Northern Kazakhstan, increased the range of crops studied in the Center, began breeding work with non-traditional crops for the region, etc. With the direct participation and under the leadership of Zh.A. Kaskarbayev, scientific foundations for the diversification of crop production were developed and conservation agriculture in the steppe zone of Kazakhstan. The minimum and zero technologies for the cultivation of cereals, legumes and oilseeds in Northern Kazakhstan are proposed, which ensure the restoration and preservation of soil fertility, and the expansion of exports of crop products. The scientific foundations of optimization of systems for processing chernozem soils in Northern Kazakhstan have been developed.
Under his leadership, 49 varieties of agricultural crops were created and are undergoing state variety testing, of which 13 new varieties of spring bread wheat (Oral, Asyl Sapa, Kazakhstan 20, Shortandinskaya 2012, Shortandinskaya 2014, Shortandinskaya 2015, Tselinnaya 2014, Ak Orda, Tauelsizdik, Soltustik and etc.); 3 varieties of spring durum wheat, 3 - spring barley, 3 - oats, 4 - food and fodder millet, 2 - buckwheat, 1 variety of sunflower, 2 varieties of rapeseed, 5 - peas, chickpeas, lentils, 13 varieties of forage crops (alfalfa, sweet clover, sainfoin, wheatgrass, etc.).
Kaskarbaev Zh.A. had 6 patents for breeding achievements, 4 innovative patents, he has published over 105 scientific works, in various domestic, including foreign scientific publications.
For significant contribution to agricultural science, socio-economic and cultural development of the country, strengthening friendship and cooperation between peoples, Zh. A. Kaskarbayev was awarded the order "Kurmet", medals "Eren enbegi ushin", "50th anniversary of Tselina", a commemorative medal"100 years of academician A.I.Barayev", two letters of thanks from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.А. Nazarbayev.
Akshalov Kanat Ashkeyevich, head of the laboratory for the development of adaptive and agrolandscape technologies of SPCGF says: “Zheksenbaya Aitoshevich was a person devoted to science. He is a graduate of our Shortandy scientific school. He did a lot to develop the issues of diversification, on the terms and timing of sowing, seeding rates. He was distinguished by great responsibility, scrupulousness and efficiency. He loved it when everything was clear and methodically competent, so that the numbers that science gives out could be completely trusted. He paid much attention to the education of young scientific personnel. He worked actively with farmers and agricultural producers. They all respected him very much in return! "
Scientists of the A.Barayev SPCGF, whom he raised and educated, today they are scientists who form the basis of the scientific potential of the Center, they warmly remember Zheksenbay Aitoshevich.
Irina Viktorovna Rukavitsina, head of the laboratory of microbiology of the SPCGF, recalls him as follows: “With Kaskarbayev Zh.A. we have known each other since 1998. As a 4-year student of the agronomic faculty of the S. SeifullinAkmola Agrarian University I passed industrial practice within the walls of A.Barayev SPCGF. At the end of the practice, Zheksenbai Aitoshevich, who at that time held the position of deputy director for science, suggested that after graduation from the university I come to work with them in a new promising laboratory.
And so it happened. In 1999, on assignment, I was sent to the A.I. Barayev SPCGF. Zheksenbai Aitoshevich offered me the position of a junior researcher in a new laboratory for the breeding of oilseeds and legumes. There was a very interesting job, then postgraduate studies, work in a different laboratory, in a new direction.
For 18 years, I had the opportunity to work under the leadership of Zh.A. Kaskarbayev. To say good about him means not to say anything. "Science requires a lot of effort and great passion from person", this is the statement of I.P. Pavlov can truly be attributed to Zheksenbai Aitoshevich. He was a wonderful person, a real scientist with a capital letter. With what selfless zeal he treated his work, delved into everything, just lived by work. A man of science, always in constant search for something new. He could tell a lot of interesting things from his practice and many years of experience, at the same time listen to you, argue, advise something. The heads of many farms and simple agronomists very often turned to him for advice.
Zheksenbai Aitoshevich himself has repeatedly written large programs and grants, which were highly appreciated by experts. In the last years of his life, I was fortunate enough to conduct research on his two projects related to carbon sequestration and soil fertility. The colossal experience, new research that was obtained in this case, help in further scientific work.
He was very sensitive to the history of the Institute, he knew and understood the life in it. During the period of his work as director, with the support of our scientists, a wonderful museum and exhibition center was created, where all the achievements of our scientists were reflected. Many who came to us and visited the museum and exhibition center were always delighted that our team, headed by the director, were able to collect and preserve truly priceless exhibits that so deeply reveal the entire history of the creation of the Institute, which has received worldwide recognition. And the scientists who stood at its origins, their great achievements ...
That love and concern for the prosperity of our institute was in the first place with Zheksenbay Aytoshevich …… ”.
And so it happened. In 1999, on assignment, I was sent to the A.I. Barayev SPCGF. Zheksenbai Aitoshevich offered me the position of a junior researcher in a new laboratory for the breeding of oilseeds and legumes. There was a very interesting job, then postgraduate studies, work in a different laboratory, in a new direction.
For 18 years, I had the opportunity to work under the leadership of Zh.A. Kaskarbayev. To say good about him means not to say anything. "Science requires a lot of effort and great passion from person", this is the statement of I.P. Pavlov can truly be attributed to Zheksenbai Aitoshevich. He was a wonderful person, a real scientist with a capital letter. With what selfless zeal he treated his work, delved into everything, just lived by work. A man of science, always in constant search for something new. He could tell a lot of interesting things from his practice and many years of experience, at the same time listen to you, argue, advise something. The heads of many farms and simple agronomists very often turned to him for advice.
Zheksenbai Aitoshevich himself has repeatedly written large programs and grants, which were highly appreciated by experts. In the last years of his life, I was fortunate enough to conduct research on his two projects related to carbon sequestration and soil fertility. The colossal experience, new research that was obtained in this case, help in further scientific work.
He was very sensitive to the history of the Institute, he knew and understood the life in it. During the period of his work as director, with the support of our scientists, a wonderful museum and exhibition center was created, where all the achievements of our scientists were reflected. Many who came to us and visited the museum and exhibition center were always delighted that our team, headed by the director, were able to collect and preserve truly priceless exhibits that so deeply reveal the entire history of the creation of the Institute, which has received worldwide recognition. And the scientists who stood at its origins, their great achievements ...
That love and concern for the prosperity of our institute was in the first place with Zheksenbay Aytoshevich …… ”.
Kunanbayev Kairat Kayirbekovich, Head of the Analytical Department of the Center:
Zheksenbai Aytoshevich hired me in January 2005. His distinctive feature, as the head of the organization, was not only the ability to solve scientific problems, but also to delve into human relationships. He knew how to give good advice on science and life. He discussed scientific problems with interest, shared ideas on how to solve this or that issue. Thanks to the support of Zheksenbay Aitoshevich, analytical laboratories were significantly modernized. He always tried to send young specialists to scientific internships, to improve their qualifications. He carefully edited reports and scientific articles of young employees. As a leader, he was demanding to work, he was interested in what kind of scientific literature he read. Always engaged in updating the library fund. In my life, he played a big role in shaping me as a research assistant. In our memory, he remained as a major organizer of science, a man who devoted his life to scientific research.
Filippova Nadezhda Ivanovna, head of the department of breeding of perennial grasses at SPCGF, talks about him as one of the main mentors. “For me, Zheksenbai Aitoshevich was and remains a unique person, the head of the Center and a wonderful scientist. He showed by his example how to do science. He was an honest, caring, fair and respectable person. During his leadership of the Center, we have always won scientific grants. He highly appreciated such qualities as intelligence, knowledge, hard work in people. Today, all farmers and leaders in the agro-industrial complex still remember him with great fondness. He always relied on meteorological and vegetation data in the fields. He traveled a lot to the farms of Northern Kazakhstan and knew what agricultural crops look like in each region. He loved to analyze and always analyzed the experience of Kazakhstani and foreign scientists, took the most necessary and best for himself.
It is worth noting that after the collapse of the USSR there was a lack of funding, but he was very proud that our department of perennial grasses preserved all breeding materials, lines and varieties that were under the USSR at a time when other institutes closed activities in the study of perennial grasses. He was proud that we were able to preserve all the studied types of perennial grasses (at SPCGF we are engaged in 10 species of perennial grasses), we have a very large assortment of varieties, their 24 zoned varieties (including wheatgrass, gray wheatgrass, rump, etc.). When we submitted varieties to the SVT, he argued with us about the name of the variety because he liked all the names to emphasize the origin of these varieties, for example Damsinskaya, Shortandinskaya, Astana. He was also very proud that under his leadership in 2005 we resumed scientific work on primary seed production of perennial grasses. He really wanted there to be a revival of seed production. He dreamed that our country would be provided with seeds of the varieties of our Center, at least Northern Kazakhstan. He was a great patriot of his varieties and Kazakhstani breeding, he was against the introduction of foreign varieties and was always rooting for domestic varieties. He personally traveled every day and knew all our fields and their condition. I remember when guests came to our museum, he himself could talk about the activities of all laboratories, in particular, he liked to take the pointer away from me and he himself continued to talk about the work of our department. He was a unique person, sincerely passionate about science! "
Filonov V.M., head of the laboratory of agrochemistry and fertilizers: remembering Zheksenbay Aytoshevich on his birthday, first of all, I would like to say about his high decency and honesty. From the first day of work at the institute, he was still the head of the laboratory of agricultural technology, and then the head of department of agriculture, he tried to delve into all the issues of the work of other laboratories and departments. And each time discussing various topics with him, the conversation took place in an emotional tone, since he wanted to subtly understand all the features of scientific research in each laboratory. But he never allowed himself to humiliate or offend his interlocutor in any way. I do not remember a case when he raised his voice to someone - he was always calm and attentive. He had outstanding organizational skills, he knew how to unite the team to solve or complete an urgent task. This especially concerned writing projects under the Ministry of Agriculture or grants announced by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. And at the same time he took the most active part, set goals and formulated tasks. He was always surprised by his composure and accuracy. Possessing professional knowledge of agricultural production, Zheksenbai Aytoshevich always knew how to attract the attention of listeners - from the president, ministers, akims of various levels to heads of large agricultural enterprises and farmers. He always clearly and clearly stated his thoughts, which was especially important when explaining various situations in the technology of cultivating grain and other crops. The life fate of our esteemed colleague turned out to be very cruel, we all remember with what steadfastness and courage he fought the disease. But, he left in the prime of his creative powers. On his birthday, I would like to wish the family and friends of Zheksenbay Aitoshevich health, prosperity and keep the memory of a worthy son, brother, friend.
Today the famous scientist in the field of plant growing, candidate of agricultural sciences Kaskarbayev Zheksenbay Aitoshevich would have turned 60 years old. The current leadership of the Center recalls him with special respect, paying tribute to the memory of his dear colleague, a prominent agricultural scientist Kaskarbayev Zheksenbay Aitoshevich, who left a noticeable mark on the formation and development of the famous Center for Grain Farming in the world scientific community.
The material was prepared by the press service of the A.I.Barayev SPCGF.
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