Scientist: “The Fantastic in conditions of drought”

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    As everywhere in the midst of the harvest season, there is talk about getting a decent harvest, but the current prolonged dry season has not only reduced optimism, but also brought not quite elation. But at the same time it gave food for thought that no one canceled at the same time the culture of agriculture, developed over the years, which is useful at all times. After all, farmers often had to deal with drought, but somehow they were looking for a way out to counteract it. Recently, some agricultural producers have sometimes ignored this culture of land management, as well as reluctantly sought contact with scientists of the agricultural world, without thinking about the consequences. Not considering it important to resort to the recommendations of pundits who are not invented in the silence of the office, but through scientific research in the field for years are developed, reinforced and tested and then only offered to production workers. At first, agricultural scientists themselves reach the truth, from early morning until sunset, disappearing at their field plots. And here is one example of this kind.
Literally, we, all employees of the Center, were stunned by the news shared with colleagues by Akshalov Kanat Ashkeevich, head of the laboratory of adaptive and agro-landscape technology of the Center, which caused pride in the results of the work of our scientists.

In the picture : Akshalov K.A. and an advanced farmer Sagimbayev M. T. from the Astrakhan region .New scientific directions are being tested in its fields..


      In the conditions of the most severe drought of 2023 in their field plots, the yield of spring wheat was formed at the level of 16-18 c/ ha based on the intensification of cultivation technology!!As Kanat Ashkeevich noted: “This is fantastic in conditions of drought, which has not been in our conditions for at least the last 30-40 years!! For our opponents - the yield of permanent wheat sowing at the level of 18 c/ha according to the minimum and No-Till system!! There are reserves, there is a substantive conversation!!”.
Is there something to think about?!!!
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