Breeding and seed production issues on the agenda


On September 22 on the basis of “National Agency for Development of Innovations “QazInnovations” JSC held a seminar - round table on the topic: “Breeding and seed production: current situation and prospects” with the participation of agricultural producers, agricultural scientists, breeding scientists, representatives of seed farms, members of the party “Auyl” and other interested government agencies.

The purpose of the event was to discuss trends and drivers of breeding and seed production development and make recommendations.

It was attended by scientists of the Center of Grain Farming named after A.I. Barayev: Nadezhda Ivanovna Filippova, Head of the Department of Perennial Grass Breeding, A.A. Kiyas, Acting Head of the Department of Agriculture and Bekeshev Baurzhan Zhaugashevich, Leading Economist, Specialist of the Commercialization Department.

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