Scientists of the Grain Farming Center took part in the Field Day in Kostanay region


  July 25-26 at «Ponomarev» Farming was held a Field Day in Kostanay region, where varieties of grain crops of Kazakh and Russian breeding were presented. The event was attended by breeders of the Grain Farming Center named after A.I. Barayev, representatives of other domestic and foreign scientific organizations and agricultural producers of northern Kazakhstan.

  Babkenov Adylkhan Temirkhanovich, scientist-breeder of SPC GF, who is the head of the grant project for the commercialization of RSSTA DP21681698 «Supply of the Kazakhstani market with elite seeds of domestic varieties of spring wheat», informed about the goals and objectives of an important project aimed at the production and sale of elite seeds of a new variety of spring soft wheat Taimas. Along with this, he presented the varieties of spring wheat Shortandinskaya 2012, Shortandinskaya 2014, Shortandinskaya 95 improved, Damsinskaya yubileynaya, Damsinskaya 20-17, Lavina, which were sown in the fields of the above-mentioned farm, which has great potential. During the meeting, he also revealed to the farmers present the benefits and advantagesof wheat varieties of the «SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev» LLP breeding over other commercial varieties common in the North Kazakhstan.

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